SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccination in dermatology patients on immunomodulatory and biologic agents

  • 22 April 2021

Recommendations from the Australasian Medical Dermatology Group

Charlie Wang1 | Marius Rademaker2 | Bruce Tate3 | Christopher Baker1,4| Peter Foley1,4

1Skin Health Institute, Carlton, Victoria, Australia, 2Waikato Clinical Campus, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Auckland, Hamilton, New Zealand, 3Western Hospital, Melbourne, Victoria, and 4St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia


As the phase III COVID-19 vaccine trials excluded patients on immunosuppressive treatments, or patients with significant autoimmunity, the Australasian Medical Dermatology Group make the following preliminary recommendations around COVID-19 vaccination in dermatology patients on immunomodulatory and/or biologic agents.

  • Vaccination against COVID-19 is strongly encouraged for all patients on immunomodulatory drugs and/or biologic agents.
  • There are currently insufficient data to recommend one COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine type (mRNA, recombinant, inactivated virus) over another.
  • No specific additional risk in patients on immunomodulatory or biologic therapies has so far been identified.
  • Data on vaccine efficacy in patients on immunomodulatory or biologic therapies are missing, so standard vaccination protocols are recommended until otherwise advised.

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